Why Destination Weddings Can Be Pricey: Breaking Down the Costs

Dreaming of a destination wedding? Same Same.

The idea of putting a ring on it with the backdrop of a stunning locale is hard to beat. But let's face it: destination weddings can be pricey. Ever wondered why?

Let's dive into what makes these dreamy nuptials a bit more on the expensive side.

  1. Travel Costs: First up, there's the cost of travel. Flying to an exotic location isn't cheap, especially if it's a popular tourist spot. You'll need to budget for airfare for you and possibly a handful of your closest family and friends. If you're footing the bill for a few VIP guests, those costs add up fast.

  2. Accommodation Expenses: Once you've landed, you'll need a place to stay. High-end resorts and hotels often come with high-end prices. Even if you're looking at more budget-friendly options, you still need to factor in the cost of several nights' accommodation. Airbnb’s are a good alternative if you want your bridal party to stay in one location. And don't forget about your guests—whether you're covering their stay or they're paying their own way, it's a significant expense.

    *Pro-tip: If you are eloping with 20 or so guests, consider finding an Airbnb that could also double as your ceremony or reception space.

  3. Venue Fees: Sure, a local beach or mountaintop might be free to visit, but booking it for a wedding? That's another story. Popular destinations know they can charge a premium for their picturesque settings. Expect to pay a bit more for that perfect spot. You may need permits for certain locations, like national parks.

  4. Vendor Travel Costs: If you're bringing along your own photographer, videographer, or other vendors, you'll need to cover their travel and accommodation expenses. Most will include these in their packages, it’s good to ask before-hand. Hiring local vendors can be an option, but sometimes you just want to bring your trusted team with you, which adds to the overall cost.

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  5. Event Planning and Coordination: Planning a wedding from afar isn't easy, and that's where a destination wedding planner comes in. They're worth their weight in gold for handling all the nitty-gritty details, but their services come at a price. You'll be paying for their expertise in coordinating everything from flowers to catering, ensuring your day goes off without a hitch.


Eloping vs. a Big Destination Wedding: How Many People Are You Inviting?

The number of guests you're planning to invite has a huge impact on the cost of your destination wedding. Let's break it down:

  • Eloping: Keeping it just the two of you—or maybe a couple of close friends or family members—is the most budget-friendly option. With fewer people to consider, your costs for travel, accommodation, and meals drop significantly. Plus, you can splurge a bit more on luxury experiences or a higher-end venue because you're not paying for a crowd.

  • Big Destination Wedding: Inviting a larger group means higher expenses across the board. More guests mean more plane tickets, more hotel rooms, and more mouths to feed. You might also need a bigger venue, which usually comes with a bigger price tag. While having all your loved ones with you is amazing, it definitely requires a bigger budget.

  1. Extra Activities and Excursions: Part of the fun of a destination wedding is enjoying the location with your guests. Whether it's a welcome party, group excursions, or farewell brunches, these extra activities can add up. Planning fun outings for your group enhances the experience but also increases the overall cost.

  2. Legal and Documentation Fees: Getting married abroad often means dealing with legal paperwork and documentation. This can involve additional fees and the need to navigate the legalities of another country. Some couples even opt for a legal ceremony at home first to simplify things, but that’s an additional expense to consider.

Making It Work

So, why are destination weddings so expensive?

It’s a mix of travel, accommodation, venue fees, and the scale of your guest list. But don’t let that discourage you!

With careful planning and budgeting, you can make your dream destination wedding a reality. Whether you choose an intimate elopement or a grand celebration, the key is to prioritize what’s most important to you.

In the end, it's all about creating memories in a beautiful place that reflects your love story.

So, start saving, get planning, and get ready for the wedding adventure of a lifetime!

And hey, maybe keep a few extra bucks aside for those surprise expenses—like bribing your best man to keep his speech under five minutes. Happy planning!


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