
Memories in Motion

Films with Feelings for the Wild Hearts

Midwest | West Coast | Worldwide

Do you want to know a secret?

There are no rules to this wedding thing anymore, you can keep the traditions you like (if any), and create your own for the rest!

Your day should be spent doing exactly what you want to do.

My goal is to help you make time for the things you genuinely care about, and toss the things you don’t.

No matter your style - a cozy backyard wedding with your nearest and dearest, an epic multi-day adventure, or a classy black-tie affair.

All I want for you is to stay present and enjoy the company of each other and your guests.

My approach is to give you the space and freedom to enjoy your wedding day, while being present and attentive enough to capture what it looks like.

I want to give you the chance to relive the moments you enjoyed, and see the moments you missed.

Less posing, more living.

Choose Your Own Adventure:

Intentional & Intimate

Story & Soul

Timeless & Tasteful

Fun & Fresh

Man standing with a camera in front of a brick wall

Hey There, I’m Alex, and I want to make you cry.

Happy tears of course, I’m not a monster.

Jokes aside, I’m honored to be let into one of the most special days of your life. It’s a privilege to create art with your love as my canvas.

Kind Words

Ready to tell your love story?

Please leave a note at the form below or directly at alex@aframe.media for a package list and to discuss your wedding videography needs.
I can't wait to meet you and learn more about your special day!

Click here for pricing info.